Selasa, 09 Desember 2014


Acid rain is the process of rain where the pH’s degree or the potency of hydrogen from rain’s water comedown under 6 or around 5.6. it means under of normal limit in 7 and the rain’s water that fall to the earth is contains with acid because it mixed with certain materials that dissolve within rain’s water, so it cause the degree or value of acid is rise. However, the CO2 that dissolve together in rain’s water is weak. This condition give advantage to minerals in earth that needed by animal and plant. However, acid rain can also give bad effect to environment. The following paragraph will discuss about some causes of acid rain and what the effect to human, animal, and environment.
I will posting two cause of acid rains as follows. The first is natural cause, acid rains can cause by sprinkle from a volcano and biology process that can happen in swamp land or ocean. Natural acid rain is seldom happen in the world. The second, caused by human, it means caused by seriously environment problems. The activities in industry usually be a primer contributor caused the acid rains. Some industry that often give bad effect of acid rains includes the industry of carriage, industry of electric rise, agriculture industry (ammonia). The element of sulfur and nitrogen from industry process carried fly to atmosphere, next mixed with oxygen in air caused dioxide sulfur and nitrogen oxide that will dissolve in rain’s water and next are deposited to the earth.
These two cause in general can give effect in any aspect. We can felt it in some part in our live: environment, animal and human. The more high the degree of acid in a acid rain, so the more bad the effect that resulted to the environment, such as the more high the concentration of certain metals at acid rains areas. Because the degree of acid will influence the dissolve degree in metals. Next, organism difficult to grow, for example in a river that have high acid, we can say that the animal like fish  will not live with condition weak pH. Acid rains also effected the carat in iron. The last, acid rain can affect the itching in human skin.
In conclusion, although acid rains have a advantage in our live, such as give advantage to minerals in earth that needed by animal and plant, but acid rain also have some of bad effect that should be avoided to avoid some effect or problem resulted by acid rains. Therefore, acid rains can make our skin felt so itch, so that why we should be careful if rains come down to the earth.

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