my writing ( final test call )

Seven Strategies to Create Positive Classroom Climate
By: lidia susanti
We often found that so many students who came to school just for coming, enter to the class, sit, and go home. This situation often happened, where the students go home without brought the lesson or knowledge which has given by the teacher with them. It can cause by many factors, where one of the factors may be because the climate of class that are not interesting anymore, so they feel so boredand not have a desirous to studying. As a teacher, we have to realize and try to solve it may by use some effective strategies. This paper will describe seven strategies that can be used by teachers in classroom so that students do not feel bored.
By implementing the following seven strategies, teachers can combine the need for positive classroom that support the whole child with the need for accountability and improved academic performance. First, make learning relevant,students are more engaged in learning  when they see that it is relevant to their own success and happiness. By discovering students' talents, learning styles, and interests, teachers can adjust teaching methods and strategies. By give the information to students how the classroom operates, teachers increase students' sense of ownership in the education process.
Second, create a classroom code of conduct,students must know that a positive and productive classroom requires a common understanding of positive and negative behaviors. To establish this understanding, teachers ask students to identify the ways they like to be treated in learning process. Together, teacher and students conclude that treating others the way you want to be treated is the best code of conduct, and they agree that this code will dictate the behaviors that are appropriate for their classroom.
Third, teach positive action, we need to teach students positive behaviors in a thorough, consistent, systematic way; we cannot just assume that students  know them. For example, the importance of doing positive actions to feel good about yourself.Positive actions for a healthy body (such as nutrition, exercise, and sleep).Positive actions for the intellect (such as thinking, decision-making, and problem-solving skills).Positive actions for self-management (such as managing time, energy, emotions, and other personal resources).Positive actions for getting along with others (such as treating others fairly, kindly, and respectfully).Positive actions for being honest with yourself and others (such as taking responsibility, admitting mistakes, and not blaming others).
Fourth, instill intrinsic motivation, students need to feel good about themselves. In the Positive Action program, teachers help students understand that people are likely to feel good about themselves when they engage in positive actions. With practice, students learn that if they have a negative thought, they can change it to a positive one that will lead to a positive action and a positive feeling about themselves is a powerful intrinsic motivator.
Fifth, reinforce positive behaviors, teachers can strengthen intrinsic motivation by recognizing and positively reinforcing positive actions when they see them. Recognition activities and items such as tokens, stickers, and certificates can be effective. But when teachers use this strategy, it's important to recognize the positive behavior, ask how the students feeling.
Sixth, engage positive role models, families and community members are often want to be engaged in their children's education, and have resources to offer. Teachers can integrate them into many classroom and school activities, such as curriculum activities, assemblies, committees, after-school events, and homework.
The last strategy is always be positive, it is the most important strategy, which often difficult to do. A teacher must be positive from classrooms to playgrounds, during school and after. Because a positive attitude is the change agent that will create positive classrooms and schools that produce happy and successful students.
In conclusion, to create positive classroom climate, teachers can make learning relevant, create a classroom code of conduct, teach positive action, instill intrinsic motivation, reinforce positive behaviors, engage positive role models, and always be positive. If the teachers has been apply this strategies well, I am sure that the class climate that you teach will more exiting, innovative, and intensive.

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