Senin, 24 November 2014

human vs animal language

As creature of God, human and animal have given the ability to communicate each others. Human with human, animal with animal, or human with animal. They  communicate each other by using a language to send a message through medium so that the message is received and understood by a receiver. However, between human language and animal language is not exactly same. Among human language and animal language have the differences and the similarities.
A linguist noted some differences between human language with animal language. First, human language is unlimited, however animal language is limited. Its mean that, human can use language without limitation with various function of language such as for communication, for education, or for transaction, but animal just use language for primer needs. For example, to call their family, to warn in danger situation, or to marry. Second, human language is being organized, but animal language is not. Human language have many roles, like grammatical structure, vocabulary and idiom, syntax, phonemes, even though animal language is not. Third, human language is creative, human language can write down, and be read, and listen, however animal language is not, since animal language is just a symbol or sign.
On the other hand, both of human language and animal language have some similarities too. One, both of them is a language which is used to communicate each other, and they used to send a message from someone to another who calls receiver. Two, both of human language and animal language have sign or symbol that can be understood each other, gesture for example.
In conclusion, although human language and animal language have some differences, but both of them also have some similarities too. As I have explained above, both of them is a language that will be used in their life to communicate each other so that their need is filled. 

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